Axon Trademark Notice

The following list provides notice of many of the trademarks and service marks owned by Axon Enterprise, Inc., some of which are registered in the United States and other jurisdictions. The absence of a product name, service name, or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Axon’s intellectual property rights regarding that product name, service name, or logo.

A trademark identifies and distinguishes the source of products or services and can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design, as well as a sound or “trade dress” such as the size, shape, color, and appearance of a product or its packaging.

Trademarks are adjectives, and should not be used as nouns or verbs, or made plural or possessive. The following list includes a suggested generic term that a trademark or service mark is used in connection with. The suggested generic terms are provided for convenience and there may be other appropriate generic terms. For all publications, please include an appropriate generic term after the trademark or service mark.

For more information about our famous TASER trademark, please visit our TASER Brand Website at

Axon's Trademarks and Service MarksGeneric Terms
Accelerate Justice™company slogan
ADVANCED TASER®energy weapon
Axon®products, solutions, and services in a variety of industries
Axon Academy℠training services
Axon Accelerate®conference
Axon Aid®disaster response, emergency response service
Axon Air®unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and related products and services
Axon Auto-Transcribe™video and audio transcription service
Axon Aware®portal
Axon Body®on-officer camera
Axon Body Workforce™camera
Axon Capture™mobile evidence collection software
Axon Citizen®public safety portal
Axon Community Request™public safety portal
Axon Device Manager™mobile device and inventory management software
Axon Ecosystem™product and service ecosystem
Axon Evidence®digital evidence management system (DEMS)
Axon Evidence Local™on-premises evidence management system
Axon Fleet®in-car camera system
Axon Flex®on-officer camera
Axon Interview™interview management system
Axon Investigate®software
Axon Justice®product suite
Axon Network®connected devices, software, and sensors
Axon Performance®software
Axon Protect®platform
Axon Records®data management system
Axon Respond®operations platform
Axon Roadshow®training and exhibits
Axon Signal™technology
Axon Standards™management system
Axon View™mobile evidence review
Axon Voyager®roadshow, show, exhibit, trailer
Axon VR™training services
Axon Week™conference
Axon Yellow™brand color
Bolt®energy weapon
C2®energy weapon
Draft One™tool
FREEZE!™ice cream parlor
FRN®media streaming platform
Make The Bullet Obsolete™company slogan
My90®survey engagement tool
Officer Safety Plan™technology package
OSP™technology package
OSP Premium™technology package
Outrider®roadshow, show, exhibit, trailer
Preserve Truth™company slogan
Protect Life®company slogan
Pulse+®energy weapon
Redaction Assistant™tool
StrikeLight®stun flashlight
TASER®energy weapon and related products and services
TASER 7®energy weapon
TASER 7 CQ™energy weapon
TASER 10™energy weapon
TASER Bolt®energy weapon
TASER Pulse®energy weapon
Write Code, Save Lives®company slogan
Write Code. Save Lives.®company slogan
X1®energy weapon
X2®energy weapon
X26®energy weapon
X26P®energy weapon
Delta Logo
Axon + Delta Logo
Axon Shield Logo
Axon Aid Logo Logo
Bolt on Ball Logo (1999)
Bolt on Western Hemisphere Logo (2003)
Bolt on Circle Logo (2007)
Bolt within Circle Logo (2009)
Lightning Bolt in Circle Logo (2018)
Filled Bolt within Circle Logo (2023)
my90 Logo
T93 Logo
X2 Logo
X26 Logo
Shape – M/X Cartridge
Shape & Color – TASER X26 (X26, X26C, X26P) Energy Weapons
Shape & Color – TASER X2 Energy Weapon
Shape & Color – TASER 7 Energy Weapon
Color - Energy Weapons (Axon Yellow)

Example Trademark Use and Disclaimer:
TASER® energy weapons are often produced in the famous Axon Yellow™ color widely recognizable on police duty belts around the world.

TASER and Axon Yellow are trademarks of Axon Enterprise, Inc., some of which are registered in the US and other jurisdictions. For more information, visit

For questions regarding Axon’s trademarks or other intellectual property, please contact the Intellectual Property Legal Department at

Last Updated: July 19, 2024