Cooperative Contracts Webinar
Dec 11, 2018
It's no secret that budget constraints are a constant inconvenience for law enforcement agencies. Long needs lists + short funds = under-equipped officers and potentially underserved communities. When faced with these problems, agencies must turn to out-of-the-box solutions – like partnering with other agencies to fill needs.
Needs lists may be long, but those needs are often shared by other local agencies. This webinar explores the different purchasing vehicles available for your body camera program, Fleet deployment or Interview Room solutions using Sole Source, Cooperatives (National IPA, NPP, NASPO, etc.), or State Contracts.
After watching this webinar, you will come away with:
- A better understanding of how each purchasing avenue works and the ability to explain their differences
- A list of pros and cons to communicate to your purchasing agents
- The ability to determine the best fit for your agency.