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Bolstering situational awareness and safety with Axon Body 4

Actionable ways to empower first responders and command with real-time collaboration tools through connected cameras

As public safety technology evolves, agencies are increasingly thinking outside the box about using new capabilities to maximize resources and keep their staff and community members safe. Communication and situational awareness are essential for effective responses, and advancements in body-worn camera technology are providing more real-time information than ever before.

Whether it's de-escalating situations through remote specialist guidance, boosting officer safety with a second set of eyes, or enhancing training and real-time feedback, Axon Body 4 equips your organization with the tools needed to make informed decisions and navigate challenges with confidence. Bidirectional communications through the camera and a button for an officer to request that a supervisor view their live stream are just two of the unique Axon Body 4 capabilities changing the game. Discover some of the many use cases in which Axon Body 4 can empower your team to respond effectively and protect communities with these new features.

A police officer wearing an Axon Body 4 camera with POV attachment takes a witness statement at sunset.

Law Enforcement: De-escalating mental health crises with remote support

Officers can connect with mental health specialists with direct, remote communication through the Axon Body 4 camera. The specialist can watch what’s unfolding and receive visual cues from the patient’s behavior to inform their guidance, without needing to travel to the scene. By watching the live stream from the camera on the Axon Respond mobile app while accessing relevant records and patient history, mental health specialists can assess the person’s mental condition and advise the officer, or speak to the person directly through the two-way communications on the camera. With this additional information and expert support, the officer is empowered to de-escalate the situation.

Suppose a dispatcher receives a Call for Service related to a person in crisis (PIC). The call is assigned to an officer and the department’s Mental Health Specialist (MHS) is asked to join the livestream. As the officer approaches the scene, they begin to record on their Axon Body 4 camera. The MHS then opens a livestream on the Respond mobile app, where they can observe the behaviors of the PIC and assess their mental condition.

After some observations, the MHS believes that the person experiencing a mental health crisis displays symptoms of acute psychosis. The MHS speaks to the officer through the camera using bidirectional communication, and recommends that the officer bring the PIC to a mental health clinic for further psychiatric evaluation. The situation is resolved peacefully.

Law Enforcement: Leveraging translators in the moment

Mental health specialists are not the only experts who can lend invaluable guidance during a Call for Service. With bidirectional communications, translators can serve as a crucial bridge between community members and law enforcement. With over 350 languages spoken in the United States, language barriers present challenges and can even sometimes prevent victims from justice. Communication is essential to de-escalation and capturing crucial evidence for investigations, making streamlined, contextualized translation a key step in promoting safety for all.

For example, a young man is robbed on the street, with the thieves physically assaulting him and taking his phone and wallet. The officer sent to help the man is English-speaking, but the victim does not know English well and cannot find the words in his non-native language to describe the assailant. The officer requests a translator who speaks the victim’s language to watch his live stream. The translator translates the details she gleans from the victim into English out loud, and the Draft One report started from the officer’s body-worn camera footage automatically transcribes her translation to expedite the investigation, bringing justice to the victim faster.

Law Enforcement: Boosting officer safety and making more informed decisions

Axon Body 4 helps keep officers safe in many ways. If officers need assistance but are unsure of their location, they can request to connect with a support team member who can locate them and send backup, as handsfree communication allows the officer to maintain focus on the suspect. If the situation de-escalates, the additional reinforcements can stay back, making the agency more efficient with time and deployment of resources. Officers can request a second set of eyes whenever they feel they need it, whether it’s late at night or they’re in a remote location, ensuring they have someone watching their back, even if the call stays routine.

Suppose an officer is dispatched to search for a suspect at a large corporate complex where a theft had been reported. The officer arrives at the location and searches the perimeter before entering the building. Once inside, she notices someone that matches the description of the suspect. When the officer approaches, the suspect begins to flee. The officer pursues, chasing the suspect on foot out into the corporate complex. The complex features numerous attached units, and the officer is unsure of her precise location once she’s outside.

The officers presses the button on the camera to request a live stream, which sends an alert to her dispatcher on the Respond desktop app. The dispatcher opens the alert and watches the live stream footage broadcasted from the Axon Body 4 camera. Using the bidirectional communication feature, the officer informs the dispatcher of the situation, requesting backup to intercept the suspect as she continues the chase. The dispatcher views the officer’s location, and then speaks to the officer through the camera to confirm that help is on the way. The hands-free communication allows the officer to keep her eyes up and focused on the suspect. Backup arrives to the right location quickly, and the responding officers apprehend the suspect.

Law Enforcement: Training and real-time feedback

As new officers come into the force, they can benefit directly from the experience and expertise of longer-serving members through their cameras. Seasoned personnel can guide newer officers through incidents that they may not have encountered before, all while saving time, bandwidth, and resources from not necessarily having to travel out to a scene to help. Rather than simply reviewing incidents after the fact, when the outcome is already fixed, supervisors can help shape what happens by offering their guidance, helping officers feel more supported as they learn the ropes.

For example, a newly solo officer's supervisor may instruct the officer to live stream some of their higher-liability call responses when the supervisor can't be on scene for direct oversight, helping guide the officer as needed to ensure the situation is safely resolved accordingly to agency protocols.

Law enforcement and EMS: Maintaining public safety at local events

Whether it’s an annual festival or a one-off event, connected cameras keep every response team on the same page when protecting the community. Enhanced visibility into location and status of units on the Axon Respond map, live streaming to see what is unfolding in real-time, and bidirectional communications allow for a unified response to any situation, facilitating faster and safer results and greater community satisfaction.

For example, New Orleans EMS uses live capabilities through their Axon Body 4 cameras to protect revelers during Mardi Gras, an annual celebration that quadruples the population of their city. With a well-structured technology plan during Mardi Gras 2024, they responded to 40% more calls than last year with 35% less staff. Despite staffing challenges, they still achieved a 90%+ performance rating — higher than the national average.

EMT - Reporting on an incoming patient

Transporting a patient to a hospital is a high-risk period for medical care. EMTs don’t have as many resources to aid patients as hospitals do, and it can be difficult to gauge the best treatment options without additional information on a patient’s condition. However, Axon Body 4’s bidirectional communication feature allows EMTs to connect with Medical Directors to find the best care solution while en route to a hospital.

For instance, an EMT transporting a 65-year-old who fell from a 15-foot ladder requests that a Medical Director at their EMS agency live stream the EMT’s footage via the Axon Respond app. The victim is conscious but bleeding severely.

The EMT relays the information to the Medical Director along with the patient’s vitals, the time the injury took place and where the patient is being transported from. The EMT then asks for direction on how best to stymy the patient’s bleeding.

The Medical Director, who has both heard the description and seen the situation via the camera’s live stream, can then leverage bidirectional communication through the camera to provide the EMT with step-by-step direction on how to treat the injury, improving the patient’s condition while still en route to the hospital.

Enterprise Security – Suspicious person encounter

In enterprise settings, security guards may find themselves alone and without support. Axon Body 4 allows private security easier access to helpful resources, making interactions more efficient and helping to ensure security guards stay safe on the job.

A lone security guard is on patrol during a shift at a mall. The guard spots a suspicious person behaving erratically outside a store and approaches, pressing the button on his Axon Body 4 as he gets close to request an extra set of eyes. The command center receives a notification and begins watching the camera’s live stream via the Respond desktop app.

The guard asks for the person’s ID and inquires why they are on-premises. Using bidirectional communication through the camera, the guard discusses the person’s identity with the command center and determines that they’re a potential threat.

The situation becomes more confrontational, and the person begins to threaten the unarmed security guard. The command center witnesses this situation, recognizes the threat and calls for backup from the local police department. The command center alerts the security guard and the person that back-up is on the way and when the police arrive, the situation is resolved without violence.

Enterprise Security – Responding to a customer complaint

It’s not uncommon for private security to encounter unruly customers during a sporting event, concert or any other large gathering. Security guards must navigate these situations carefully, so as not to ruin the experience of other fans in the crowd or expose the company to potential lawsuits. Tense customer interactions can be solved more effectively when individual security guards are connected to security leaders via Axon Body 4.

For example, security receives complaints about an intoxicated fan in the stands of a sporting event. A security guard is sent to investigate and de-escalate the situation, requesting a live stream as they approach the intoxicated customer’s section. A security leader receives a notification about the live stream request and tunes in, witnessing the intoxicated customer picking fights firsthand.

The situation is escalating, so the security leader sends more personnel to assist the security guard. Upon arrival, the group is able to de-escalate the problem and the individual calms down. A guard remains there to monitor the situation. The intoxicated customer creates issues again, and the security leader gives the guard the green light to eject them from the event. The situation is resolved, and other fans no longer have to worry about their experience being spoiled.

These are just some ways that first responders and security personnel can use Axon Body 4 to gain greater effectiveness in the field. Together, they give field responders and command staff an unprecedented level of communication, improving outcomes for all parties involved.

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