For nearly 30 years, law enforcement agencies around the world have used Axon’s TASER energy weapons to create the time and space needed to defuse and settle conflicts. During these three decades, Axon has continuously improved and upgraded the TASER energy weapon to meet the ever-changing needs of law enforcement officers.
In conjunction with the release of the TASER 10, Axon is thrilled to release its first TASER Energy Weapon Policy Playbook. The playbook is the result of Axon’s decades of experience working in close partnership with law enforcement and provides them with guidelines for developing a robust policy for the use of energy weapons.
Whether your department is creating policy from scratch or wants a solid foundation upon which to build, the TASER Energy Weapon Policy Playbook covers every step in the process, starting with identifying which members of the department are expected to carry TASER energy weapons and establishing training requirements. It also includes:
TASER 10 overview: Get to know Axon’s newest energy weapon and find out how it’s bringing about a new era in less-lethal law enforcement technology.
General use considerations: How does one carry a TASER energy weapon when not in active use? How is it deployed? What best practices should certified officers know?
Logistics: Law enforcement agencies must keep track of TASER energy weapons even when they’re not in active use. Your policy should dictate the assignment, storage and maintenance of energy weapons.
Use of force considerations: Our Playbook identifies guidelines and legal standards to consider when identifying when an operator may use a TASER energy weapon.
Document and evidence collection: Every deployment of a TASER energy weapon should be well-documented, and officers should understand how to collect the probes, wires and cartridges for evidence purposes.
Lexipol's policy expertise provides comprehensive considerations alongside Axon's playbook
Axon also partnered with Lexipol, a leading provider of policy, training and wellness support for first responders. The result of this collaboration is Lexipol’s updated Conducted Energy Device Policy, which addresses the latest changes to TASER technology while remaining easily adaptable for agencies that have not yet adopted TASER 10. Designed to complement the TASER Energy Weapon Policy Playbook, Lexipol’s policy guidance covers a range of topics, from the proper use of force to training requirements and reporting procedures.
To download your copy of the TASER Energy Weapon Policy Playbook, visit the TASER 10 Resource Center. Complete this form on Lexipol’s site to receive a copy of their Conducted Energy Device Policy.
Even if you already have energy weapon guidance in place, continuing advances in TASER technology necessitate regular policy review. The release of TASER 10 represents an opportune time for any agency and/or department making the upgrade to review and update its policies to reflect the new features and functionality that come with the platform, including:
More opportunities: With ten individually targeted probes, officers have up to nine opportunities to obtain a good two-probe connection to induce neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI).
More time and space: In tense situations, every second counts. The TASER 10 has a maximum range of 45 feet, creating more space and time to de-escalate and resolve conflicts safely.
New warning alert: Because TASER 10 is low voltage, this model uses an audible warning alert instead of a warning arc and is incapable of performing drive stun.
With higher probe capacity, increased range and a new audible warning alert, Axon recommends that agencies first revisit policies and training materials related to TASER energy weapon use and officer safety. By ensuring all officers are adequately trained, agencies can minimize risk and maintain compliance.
Whether you’re equipping your department with TASER energy weapons for the first time or are ready to adopt the TASER 10, everyone on your squad should be well-versed in the recommended usage of these invaluable tools. Be sure to visit Lexipol’s website to download the updated Conducted Energy Device Policy, and get your own copy of the TASER Energy Weapon Policy Playbook on the TASER 10 Resource Center.