Reduce administrative overhead by simplifying report writing, managing performance through early intervention and supporting internal affairs investigations
Law enforcement agencies operate with a set of professional standards that dictate how officers must respond to a variety of scenarios. Whether it’s documenting use of force incidents or managing internal investigations, these standards are a critical part of maintaining professionalism and accountability.
However, creating and maintaining these standards consumes a good deal of time and resources, which few agencies have to spare. That’s what makes Axon Standards such a valuable tool: It’s a software solution that simplifies the reporting of these incidents and utilizes that data intelligently. Here’s how Axon Standards helps law enforcement agencies effectively document use of force and internal affairs incidents.
What is Axon Standards?
Axon Standards helps agencies maintain professionalism and accountability in cases of high-risk, officer-involved events, such as use of force situations or internal investigations.
In any officer-involved incident, tensions are understandably running high. Without procedures in place to manage these events, details may go unreported, or reports could get lost in the shuffle. That’s where Axon Standards comes in: It equips your agency with critical incident reporting standards and the tools you need to maintain and enforce them. This simplifies complex situations and helps your agency make data-driven decisions.
Axon Standards reduces redundancies and eliminates the need to repeat the same information over and over again. With customizable fields and a show/hide feature, supervisors can quickly find the data they need and focus only on the most critical information. The result? Smoother workflows and more organized reports that provide exactly what you’re looking for at a moment’s notice.
As law enforcement professionals know, reporting critical events is only one part of the process – and only one function of Axon Standards. Beyond dynamic reporting, this solution has six modules that further benefit agencies: Report Writing, Case Management, Search, Early Intervention System, Personnel and Analytics.
Report writing
Reporting has multiple steps. It starts with writing and eventually makes its way to the review stage; based on the initial review, the report may require revisions or a second review. Report writing capabilities break down these steps into an easy-to-understand dashboard that serves as your agency’s report-related to-do list. Supervisors can filter these reports by date, report type or other qualifiers and see exactly which officers are involved with each task.
Case management
At any given time, law enforcement agencies might have dozens of open cases – and not all of them require the same amount of urgency. Case Management helps users triage their caseload and bring attention to the cases that need immediate supervisor action. This makes it easier for approved users to help guide cases to more speedy resolutions while still ensuring that agency standards are applied and sensitive information is protected.
You might have gigabytes of data stored somewhere on your servers, but if you can’t find the right information at the right time, it’s not doing your agency much good. Axon Standards’ advanced search functionality puts this information right at your fingertips with smart filters that narrow down the scope of the search results. Whether you’re looking for a specific report, checking an officer’s history or reviewing citizen complaints, this module makes it easy to find what you need.
Early intervention system
The Early Intervention System, or EIS, collects data from each report and aggregates the types of events every officer at the agency has been involved in. The EIS module allows administrators to create policies around the acceptable threshold for each type of event and send out automatic alerts if an officer crosses that threshold. For example, if an officer exceeds the number of acceptable use of force incidents, their supervisor is immediately notified and can follow up to make sure the appropriate steps are taken. In other words, this module allows agencies to monitor officers’ risk profiles with minimal effort.
Personnel empowers agency leaders to maintain comprehensive records for each officer easily. It presents detailed officer profiles and service histories all in one place, allowing managers to track key demographic information, commendations, awards and any disciplinary action taken throughout the officer’s history. It’s a great way to maintain a bird’s-eye view of how officers perform, while granting instant access to in-depth details when required.
Once the reports are written, approved and filed away, they can still be of great value to your agency. When combined and analyzed, the data in these reports gives you a closer look at your agency’s use of force incidents, allowing you to make more informed decisions going forward.
The value of Axon Standards for agencies
Regardless of agency size, Axon Standards allows you to do more with less thanks to a number of user-friendly features:
Intuitive design: You won’t need to devote an entire IT team to facilitating Axon Standards; its easy-to-navigate interface ensures usability for officers and supervisors at all levels of tech-savviness.
Customizable tools: No two departments’ processes are identical. The ability to create custom forms, workflows and user groups allows you to get more out of your software.
Axon ecosystem integration: Being part of the Axon ecosystem means having access to reliable support should any issues arise. Agencies can utilize the Axon Officer Safety Plan (OSP) to use Axon Standards alongside other critical Axon products and software solutions in a budget-friendly bundle.
Get started with Axon Standards
Ultimately, Axon Standards helps agencies reduce their administrative overhead and ensure their professional standards – no matter what resources they have at their disposal. By standardizing and streamlining the reporting process and providing insights based on that report data, law enforcement professionals can better manage critical incidents and ensure use of force procedures are followed properly.
Ready to get started? Get in touch to learn more about pricing programs and plans that fit your agency’s needs.